Endless meetings. Hundreds of pages. Accounting mishaps. Resource procurement tangles. HR issues. Communication errors. Dozens of hours spent overtime. Looming QA questions.

And that's all for just ONE project!

Projects are the oil that keeps companies running. But their management is the hand that pours that oil, and if the hand isn't sure, steady, and practiced, you can wind up splattering oil all over the whole engine. In terms of ROI, in terms of time saved, and in terms of strong direction, a knowledgeable and confident project manager is more than a bonus to company projects. It's a necessity.

RMC Marketing operates as a consulting firm that will manage your project from creation to completion. You need what we all need in business - a manager who has the experience, knows how to run an efficient project, and will deliver the best results with the most cost-efficiency.

We're experts at pouring oil.


Consulting helps companies bring in the help they need, when they need it. RMC Marketing offers our clients the benefit of 30 years experience and a sharp eye for efficiency. We have both marketing and advertising programs available, to further hone the focus of our efforts - and your effectiveness.

What's the best way to establish a good working relationship between a consulting firm and their partners? Sitting down and talking, of course. RMC Marketing offers a half-hour consultation to all prospective & new clients, free of charge. It gives you a chance to talk about your business, and gives us a chance to talk about how we can help you with it. You may have a budget for your projects in place; we may need to create one. Not to worry - we will work step-by-step to ensure maximum value from every marketing dollar spent.

RMC Marketing is here to make your business life easier by offering expert help, no matter the quandary. All companies have marketing & advertising to do - make sure yours put you ahead of your competition.

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